

My name is Lizzy Nichols and I am currently pursuing my masters in Literatures of the Americas at Trinity College Dublin in Dublin, Ireland. Recently, I have been a youth mentor with the Arizona Youth Conservation Corps based out of the Verde Valley. Before that, I was an English teaching assistant in Pézenas, France and a graduate of Northern Arizona University with a degree in English, a certificate in Literature, and a minor in French. Currently, I am filled with existential dread about what the future of this bio will be, but I’m glad you’ve wandered into this corner of the internet with me for the moment anyway. Wanna step outside into the cold together? I don’t smoke, but I like to carry lighters around with me to make friends. I’d like for you to teach me to make smoke rings with the condensated winter in my breath.

Here’s some other work:

Sereno Park  (screenplay), Oolong Tea Films, 2012.

“Life underneath a Sun” (fiction), The Prompt Literary Magazine, 2012.

“Next” (ten-minute play), Theatrikos Playwright Cafe, Jr., 2015.

Keys: Michael Martone and Ander Monson” (blog post), NonFictioNow 2015 Conference Blog, 2015.

Keynote Address by Michael Martone & Ander Monson” (blog post), Assay Journal, 2015.

“The Picnic Tables” (fiction), Cardinal Sins, 2015.

To You Who Live in My First Home: Fredericksburg, Virginia” (poem), Inklette Magazine, 2016.

“Nuages” and “to whoever it is I hear getting ready in the morning through these thin apartment walls” (poems), Web, 2017.

Struggles in Watercolor” (creative nonfiction essay), The RavensPerch, 2017.

“For All the Dorothies: Motherhood as a Campaign Strategy in Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Television Ads” (academic article), International Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education, 2017.

“Oasis” (creative nonfiction essay), The Quill, 2017.

“Luas” (photography), Capulet Mag, 2017.

“The Orange Farmer’s Son” (fiction), The Offbeat, 2017.

“Dublin is No Beautiful City and the Living Room is No Place for Sex” (poem), Poetry Ireland Review, 2018.

Speaking Tongues” (poem), The Tishman Review, 2018.

*All photos on the blog are by me unless otherwise stated.



  1. Ah, et je ne sais pas si cette information disais quelque chose, mais moi aussi j’ai apporté 10+ books, 3 pour les enfants.. et monsieur Gabriel Garcia Marquez aussi, mais 100 years of solitude. Fun.



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